Identificação e reaproveitamento de reagentes (amostras desconhecidas) das aulas de análise orgânica
2018-06-28Registro en:
MUNIZ, Henrique Silva. Identificação e reaproveitamento de reagentes (amostras desconhecidas) das aulas de análise orgânica. 2018. 35 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2018.
Muniz, Henrique Silva
Teaching and research laboratories in chemistry generates a range of waste in the development of experimental classes and due to the specific characteristics pertaining to each compound or chemical substance, these are stored or packed in places in the specific warehouse.Over time, these compounds, they lose their validity or labelling, making it impossible to use or reuse of the same. The study sought to identify and reuse 34 samples were at random in the organic chemistry teaching lab of the UTFPR campus, from Pato Branco – School of Organic Analyses for the purpose of reuse for the same methods were used qualitative organic analysis, such as melting and boiling point, solubility, Lassaigne and specific tests for functional groups (alcohols, hydrocarbons, Carbonyl, etc), so was characterized with certain accuracy the samples. It was possible to identify a total of 32 samples, that were available for use in classes of Organic Analysis (AO37QB) of the UTFPR campus Pato Branco.