Comparação do desempenho de um motor de combustão interna normalmente aspirado movido a gasolina e turbocomprimido operando com etanol
2014-12-08Registro en:
HORODECKI, Yuri Moss. Comparação do desempenho de um motor de combustão interna normalmente aspirado movido a gasolina e turbocomprimido operando com etanol. 2014. 108 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2014.
Horodecki, Yuri Moss
This project aims to evaluate the performance parameters: Power and torque of an gasoline powered naturally aspirated reciprocating internal combustion engine, fourstroke spark ignition, four-cylinder (MOTOR 1) comparing to a turbocharged engine driven by hydrous ethanol (MOTOR 2) in the same vehicle. Showing the benefits of using supercharging and conversion to biofuel and the feasibility of those techniques regarding the global trend of engine downsizing. The tests were performed using one digital chassis dynamometer to measure power and torque for a given speed of MOTOR 1, which makes possible to acquire power and torque curves. Then changes were made in the NA engine MOTOR 1 in order to fit the turbocharger and run with biofuel resulting on MOTOR 2, through tests on the dynamometer the power and torque curves were obtained. Finally, after the comparative analysis between the MOTOR 1 and 2, the results showed an increasing of 74 and 76.69 % of power and torque respectively running from 3000 up to 8000rpm for MOTOR 2 using average gauge pressure of 0.43 bar. This significant increase in performance shows that this technique is relevant and a high potential way for national automotive industry meets the INOVAR-AUTO program.