Elaboração, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma sequência didática sobre armas químicas para o ensino de química orgânica na educação básica
2016-06-29Registro en:
ALVES, Helaine Specalski. Elaboração, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma sequência didática sobre armas químicas para o ensino de química orgânica na educação básica. 2016. 91 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Alves, Helaine Specalski
Even today, it is observed that the teaching of Chemistry still working mechanics and decontextualized way, in which the student does not see the point in learning. In this educational perspective the contents are worked decontextualized form, becoming distant from reality and difficult to understand, not arousing the interest and motivation of students. In this context, the objective was to design, develop and evaluate a Didactic Sequence (DS), based on the use of generative theme and meaningful learning, which allows working with high school students, Organic Chemistry knowledge allied to historical factors, social, political and economic issue associated with chemical weapons. The DS was developed in 12 lessons (twinned classes) in two classes of the State College of Campo Mourão. The evaluation of DS was performed following a qualitative methodological approach with participant observation, based on observation of students and record / transcript of speeches during class. The analysis of students' productions, such as the plan of attack, in hypothetical situations, using information on the properties of toxic substances suggest that the development of DS contributed to the significance of the Organic Chemistry knowledge worked. Thus, structures formulas, functional groups could be related to the physical properties (conceptually studied in previous years) and toxicological of organic substances used as chemical weapons.