Políticas públicas para diminuição da ociosidade das crianças e adolescentes do município de Jacareí
2013-02-28Registro en:
CAVALCANTI, Rosemeire da Silva Costa Miranda. Políticas públicas para diminuição da ociosidade das crianças e adolescentes do município de Jacareí. 2012. 88 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
Cavalcanti, Rosemeire da Silva Costa Miranda
This study was to identify public policy issue facing the sport and education, developing a theoretical framework on public policy, sports, and social inclusion vulnerability of children, adolescents and young people in society to contribute to the reduction social exclusion and marginalization. It is believed that with the popularization of the sport, this will become public and accessible to those sports that involve more people entered the social risk, enabling the reduction of idleness of children, adolescents, young people, aged from 5 to 17 years, leading education, health and citizenship, and the opportunity to train athletes and improve quality of life, and through desk research and field notes the positive outcome of the athletes regarding the exclusion of leisure and marginality. The implementation of public policy to decrease the idleness of children and adolescents in the city of Jacareí through the practice of sport, it is possible and necessary, especially in order to seek to reduce vulnerability and marginality, and reduce sedentary lifestyle and obesity, bringing however, quality of life and wellbeing, using partnerships and governmental interests.