Navegador GPS para equipamentos móveis com base nos dados cartográficos e elétricos da COPEL
2013-04-19Registro en:
REBELATO, James Gustavo Black. Navegador GPS para equipamentos móveis com base nos dados cartográficos e elétricos da COPEL. 2013. 100 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2013.
Rebelato, James Gustavo Black
This work presents the development of a GPS navigator application built over
Android platform designed for mobile devices. The main objective of the application is to allow the visualization of vector maps and performing routing calculations
related to the data used by the company Copel. The maps are obtained from
company database and converted to the standards used by the navigator developed.
As a consequence of the work developed during trainee, it was possible to project
and implement a proper navigator, which is not based on automotive GPSs,
executable on various mobile devices. To perform the study, the following
technologies present on academic formation were used: Java programming
language, Eclipse development environment, object-oriented programming, database
knowledge, analysis and modeling systems. The final goal of deliver a work tool for
the company employees was reached by using concepts and techniques for
development of mobile applications.