Organização automática de partituras para violino em níveis de dificuldade
2016-06-08Registro en:
PICCOLI, Hanna Carolina Batalha. Organização automática de partituras para violino em níveis de dificuldade. 2016. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2016.
Piccoli, Hanna Carolina Batalha Piccoli
Currently, there is a large amount of songs and music scores available on Internet. However, find music scores with apropriate level to study can be a hard task for music student and teachers. This happens principally because of the existing amount of different versions of the same music score or because several of them are not identified by a specific difficulty level. Defining the difficulty for each piece of music manually is a complex task because it requires music knowledge and also, the knowledge of a specific instrument. Further, difficulty is a subjective question if considering the difficulty found in a song can be interpreted in different ways depending on the instrument the song is played or even the proficiency level of the person who plays it. For this reason, this work proposes the creation of a tool that would do the automatic classification of difficulty levels for music scores basing on specific musical instrument education methods aiming to make the organization of music scores more practical and efficient.