Mudança organizacional do setor SERE (Sistema Estadual de Registro Escolar) do Núcleo Regional de Campo Mourão: estruturando o trabalho em equipe
2010-12-01Registro en:
CAIRES, Rosimeire Aparecida de. Mudança organizacional do setor SERE (Sistema Estadual de Registro Escolar) do Núcleo Regional de Campo Mourão: estruturando o trabalho em equipe. 2010. 44 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2010.
Caires, Rosimeire Aparecida de
Make proposals for change in organizational aspects is not an easy action for the manager and in the case of the public sector, we can say that the task is a little harder. This is due to resistance Faced by some servers and how changes are initiated and perpetrated through people, faced the biggest challenge is to motivate employees to be active agents in the change process. Thus this paper aims to present the analysis of results obtained through the action research and case study on the organizational changes of the SSRS Sector Regional Education Campo Mourão. The analysis was performed based on perceived changes after a job training and structuring of the workforce in the sector and the training provided to school officials who use the system (SSRS). The methodology used was action research, case study and qualitative research. Information was collected through direct interview and informal. In the data analysis it was concluded that the difficulties were many, however, significant changes in the organizational structure of the institution studied. It was also seen greater involvement in performing the work in the offices of courts and schools among them is teamwork, improved communication and reduced delinquency in meeting the deadlines for system power and sending documents to the Regional Center education. This goal was achieved and the plan of work was extended to the next year subject to adjustments that are necessary.