Controle vetorial de velocidade aplicado a motores síncronos com rotor de ímã permanente
2021-05-07Registro en:
SANTOS, Gabriela Calini dos. Controle vetorial de velocidade aplicado a motores síncronos com rotor de ímã permanente. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Engenharia de Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Pato Branco, 2021.
Santos, Gabriela Calini dos
This monography brings together the parts developed for the application of vectorial speed control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor. The theoretical concepts and tools used as a basis for the elaboration of a mathematical model are addressed and a control scheme is proposed. The numerical analysis of the model was performed using the Euler method, making it possible to visualize the behavior of the system for open-loop and closed-loop operation. A printed circuit board was produced and a STM32F407VET6 microcontroller was configured to implement control in the laboratory, with the objective of visualizing the real behavior of the system and analyzing whether the proposed model is adequate. As a result, the technique was applied to an engine with a nominal power of 785 Watts installed in a support with a magnetic brake and with a reference speed in the form of a ramp adjusted to 1000 RPM. It was possible to observe that the voltage and current variables have a waveform with the same dynamics as the imposed speed ramp. The motor speed follows the reference with an error of less than 5 % in steady state and that the controller is able to return the output speed to close to the reference value in the load step variation equivalent to 67.2 % of the nominal torque value .