Coleta de resíduos na cidade de Cianorte, PR
2015-10-23Registro en:
FERREIRA, Aclaer Aparecida. Coleta de Resíduos na Cidade de Cianorte- PR. 2015. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão Ambiental em Municípios) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2015.
Ferreira, Aclaer Aparecida
Solid waste today represent a major problem, produced and discarded by domestic human action, social and industrial. With population growth and the change in the pattern of consumption, waste generation becomes a global problem. This paper presents the form of collection and disposal of solid waste generated in the city of Cianorte, with the responsibility to collect and dispose of Transresíduos company and Sanitation Company of Paraná / SANEPAR, which is concerned with the amount of waste produced and intended inappropriately, which could have an impact on the environment and health. Companies seek to educate the public about the correct separation of waste to the landfill does not suffer from a number of waste should be separated and recycled, reducing its useful life. In this sense, the big generators have many points to improve on separation of waste. Recycling is one of the alternatives proper disposal of solid waste for both environmental and social, as well as reducing the consumption of natural resources, help in the water and energy savings. So with the help of Cianorte Prefecture was set up the Association of collectors who rescued many people from the streets and acondicionou in a shed with a structure for separating recycled, helping the family income of collectors.