Sistema web para controle de processos jurídicos
2017-11-17Registro en:
LAMPUGNANI, Fábio Júnior. Sistema web para controle de processos jurídicos. 2017. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2017.
Lampugnani, Fábio Júnior
Law professionals work with documents such as civil, criminal, and other legal proceedings. The juridical processes define actions filed by these professionals in favor of their clients who are individuals or legal entities that they represent before a court. These processes are accompanied by documents. And they follow a cycle that includes, among others, meetings with the clients whom the lawyer represents to whom the process is linked and meetings with people in the judiciary, the called hearings and the gathering of documents. The control of this cycle can be managed by a software aiming to help in the control of the professional’s agenda. In this work, it is proposed a web system to assist these professionals in the management of their agenda and the activities related to the processes. The main technologies involved in the development of the system are PrimeFaces, JavaServer Faces, Spring Security, the Java language and the MySQL database.