Fontes de geração de energia: o estado da técnica das principais fontes no Brasil
2019-11-21Registro en:
OSATCHUK, Tiago. Fontes de geração de energia: o estado da técnica das principais fontes no Brasil. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2019.
Osatchuk, Tiago
It is inconceivable to design development without designing sources of power generation for the numerous sectors of human activity. Over the millions of years, nature, through the process of decomposition, has produced the resources for non-renewable energy generation. However, the indiscriminate use, led to the scarcity and damage that they cause to the environment, by throwing pollutant gases into the atmosphere, which generate serious consequences, such as climate change. Against this backdrop, renewable energy sources play a key role in ensuring the principles of sustainable development. They are clean, non-polluting alternatives to power generation and are seen as a natural renewal cycle and are inexhaustible. With reference to the potential of clean energy sources, it is up to the academic and scientific universe to develop studies and research to motivate public and private initiative to be involved in its generation. In this way, the large availability of clean sources present in Brazil will be taken advantage of and the cost reduction becomes real. Thus, by harnessing sustainable and environmentally friendly means of production, different resources are either naturally renewed or permanently active. The world has been paying more attention and addressing environmental issues with greater care, due to the great need for energy in all sectors, Brazil has also been growing in relation to the use of energy generated through alternative sources. The use of waste in addition to generating clean energy, also develops the economy and society by generating many jobs. This is the best definition of sustainable development. For future generations to have available the necessary energy, it is essential that the current generation, in addition to seeking profit and development, also seeks to deepen studies and research regarding the sources of clean energy, cited in this research.