Implementação do ambiente de desenvolvimento Kaya em um microcontrolador PIC de 32 bits
2011-07-01Registro en:
SILVA, Jorge Luis Gonçalves da. Implementação do ambiente de desenvolvimento Kaya em um microcontrolador PIC de 32 bits. 2011. 35 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011.
Silva, Jorge Luis Gonçalves da
This work aims to show how to implement an operating system in text-mode, by Kaya Project, within a microcontroller, performing various functions, using the C programming language, demonstrating how operating systems are the interface between the user and the hardware in a embedded system. We used the kit 32-bit PIC microcontroller manufactured by Microchip, which has 03 LEDs and microswitches 03, and through these resources offered by the kit was possible to "simulate" what happens when you try to "produce" and "consume" a certain number of information within a memory, and at the same time discover a purpose for the use of 32-bit microcontroller.