Do manual de identidade visual para o brand book: a importância do design gráfico para o branding
2012-10-22Registro en:
ROVIGATTI, Dayane Cristina Yamada. Do manual de identidade visual para o brand book: a importância do design gráfico para o branding. 2012. 95 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
Rovigatti, Dayane Cristina Yamada
This paper presents a theoretical and conceptual design of the award, especially the graphic design on its strategic role in the expression proposed by branding communications, and also to position it within the strategic brand management. Discusses the transition from the Visual Identity Manual for Brand Book, in order to understand it as a living organism, personality, language and its own attributes, beyond its purely technical. It also aims to understand how graphic design can be used in strategic management of corporate brand identities. Brings experience as a result, through the concepts studied, the construction of a model of Brand Book for the FIAT brand, from rereading your Visual Identity Manual.