Estudo de classificação de áreas em uma sala de carregamento de baterias
2015-05-06Registro en:
AMARAL, Aline Buba. Estudo de classificação de áreas em uma sala de carregamento de baterias. 2015. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
Amaral, Aline Buba
This study aimed to classify a lead acid type battery charging room, for the probability of explosive atmosphere formation by hydrogen gas, based on the procedures of ABNT NBR IEC 60079-10-1: 2009. For the study was raised data of the flammable gas released by the battery, natural ventilation and artificial the room, and the operational process of the batteries, as well as evaluation of on-site facilities. It was defined that the gases present in the batteries are potential risk sources (solid grade), where the release of any gases through the lids of the batteries is primary degree, and the area of the openings (doors and windows) to adjacent areas is secondary school (short period, under abnormal operating conditions). Achieved through the theoretical amount of hydrogen gas released by the calculations in the room (Vz) below the lower explosive limit (LEL), in comparison to the volume of the area (V0), the degree of ventilation of the room was set to medium, and satisfactory availability. The comparison of these data with the standard room completed the classification, such as: zone 1 (likely to occur during operation), surrounded by a zone 2 (not likely, but if there is a short period).