Corpos candentes: erotismo na obra A Voz do Fogo, de Alan Moore
2021-03-11Registro en:
GOVATSKI, Thiago Antonio. Corpos candentes: erotismo na obra A Voz do Fogo, de Alan Moore. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Letras Inglês) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2021.
Govatski, Thiago Antonio
Based on the assumption that literature is, to some extent, analogous to life, having the same potential to break the barriers of security, control, and predictability, we can explore it to undertake an examination of our own humanity, of the great contradictions which set it up. Among all the subjects, themes and motifs evoked by literary art, we decided to turn our attention to the humanization process itself, the abandonment of the immediate animal condition, which also implies, however absurd it may seem to us, the propensity to subvert this same process. Therefore, as an enabling element of association between these two antagonistic movements, eroticism became the theme of the present work. We sought in Georges Bataille, a French essayist and fictionist, the bases for understanding the subject. As the object for our investigation, we selected two excerpts from the novel Voice of fire, witten by British comic writer Alan Moore, which, according to our understanding, as well as casting dense shadows, illuminate the paradoxical entrance into the world of humanity.