Utilização de diferentes tipos de biofilmes na interferência da higroscopicidade de madeira de Eucalyptus sp. e Pinus sp
2014-02-25Registro en:
RAIA, Renan Zunta. Utilização de diferentes tipos de biofilmes na interferência da higroscopicidade de madeira de Eucalyptus sp. e Pinus sp. 2014. 46 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2014.
Raia, Renan Zunta
Wood is a hygroscopic material, it is, performs moisture exchange with the environment to achieve a balance moisture, making it difficult to maintain the ideal preservation over the storage humidity. The application of coatings can reduce hygroscopicity by forming a physical barrier for the conduction of the water vapor by reducing the diffusion coefficient of water vapor (Dw). The objective of this study was evaluate the effect of corn biofilm and cassava biofilme starch in hygroscopicity of Eucalyptus sp . and Pinus sp. The biofilm of cassava base reduced the value of Dw and speed for gain water over time, although primarily to Eucalyptus sp there has been increased hydrophilicity with the coating. The results indicate that the water vapor permeability of the coated timber was increased due to increased solubility of water vapor on the surface of the test samples, since starch is a hydrophilic polymer. The starch-based coating for wood of Eucalyptus and Pinus by reducing the diffusion of water vapor and speed of water sorption can have an effect on the preservation of wood during storage.