Hibridismos e diálogos: o teatro forum de Augusto Boal e o teatro didático de Bertolt Brecht
2019-04-09Registro en:
BRANCO, Pedro Hey. Hibridismos e diálogos: o teatro forum de Augusto Boal e o
teatro didático de Bertolt Brecht. 2019. 23 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Artes Híbridas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
Branco, Pedro Hey
This monograph aims to bring to light the concepts of Didactic Theater and Forum Theater, as well as seeks to analyze these practices, comparing them under the prism of cultural and artistic hybridisms. Thinking theater as a practice inserted in the daily life of the actor and the spectator, and that can present a specific social and political function. The importance of the Didactic Theater for the Forum Theater is emphasized here, and at the same time, the hybridisms, the differences and the similarities are punctuated. The main objective is to find out if the Forum Theater is a hybrid form of the Didactic Theater, or if it presents, at least, some hybrid characteristic of the didactic plays.