Dimensionamento de reservatórios de água pluvial em Toledo - PR segundo a NBR 15527:2007
2017-11-17Registro en:
HORN, Heloisa Alves. Dimensionamento de reservatórios de água pluvial em Toledo - PR segundo a NBR 15527:2007. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Toledo, 2017.
Horn, Heloisa Alves
Water is one of the most widely used natural resources in the world, being of public domain and multiple use.In this way, it's necessary to manage the water resources in order to assure the uses of water as well as environmental preservation. In addition to seeking counterparts to supply the probable water shortage due to the growing world demand. Thus, rainwater harvesting and utilization systems are again expanding and reinventing, both in regions where they're already used as in places where these techniques haven't been disseminated. Between the components of the rainwater harvesting and utilization system, one of the most important is the reservoir and its dimensioning due to its high unit cost. Therefore, in order to determine an optimum volume, this work aims to measure rainwater reservoirs by the methods indicated by NBR 15527:2007 based on the historical precipitation series of the city of Toledo - PR. The historical series was analyzed through descriptive statistics that showed that the rainfall regime in the region shows little dispersion when examining the annual totals, however, there is large variation between the monthly totals for the same month from one year to the other. As a case study for application of the methods, residential condominiums were used, being that the consumption data and catchment area were taken from the table of potential consumption of Sanepar's hydrosanitary Project manual (2013). Each strip of catchment area was submitted to dimensioning by the methods of Rippl, Azevedo Neto, practical german and english. The methods of simulation and practical australian were used to measure the probability of failure of the system, which obtained satisfactory results for all the areas and demands studied. During the process of dimensioning and checking the volumes of the dimensioned reservoirs, it was noted that NBR 15527:2007 isn't specific as to the application of the methods, use of the historical series, determination of variables what influenced the results obtained in this work. Determined the volumes for each of the 4 dimensioning methods and verified the faults, these were compatibilized with the commercial reservoirs. In sequence, indicated volume values were stipulated for the area strips based on the descriptive statistics of the results of the dimensioning methods.