Agricultura urbana como catalisador socioeconômico na cidade de Curitiba através de fazenda vertical
2018-12-06Registro en:
BAUMGARTEN, Steven Schramp. Agricultura urbana como catalisador socioeconômico na cidade de Curitiba através de fazenda vertical. 2018. 104 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Baumgarten, Steven Schramp
This final paper aims to analyze theoretic concepts and its practical applications in the field of urban agriculture as social economical catalyst and mean of production with reduced environmental interference, in order to propose a vertical farm in the center of the city of Curitiba - PR. The theoretic base seeks to understand the relations between agriculture and urban development, the environmental impacts of the current industrial capitalist model of production in the agricultural scenery, new technics of crop growth, the development of the Center and its historical characterization. The work of Dr. Dickson Despommier concerning vertical farm in the productive agricultural scenery in urban center and its environmental impacts is of the greatest importance once its pioneer regarding the concept development of vertical farm and the first to explain about the junction of different technologies towards the shift of the current crop growth system. Only practical examples of existing international farms are used in the essay hence there is a lack of Brazilian examples for the research in question. The analysis of constructive systems, materiality, spatiality, surroundings, and necessity program is addressed during the case studies as a scanning of what has been produced, and is transferred to the urban scenery of Curitiba in the project guidelines. The historic interpretation of the city and of the neighborhood allied to the logistic necessities of the project establish the area of intervention and enable the concretization of the object into the atmosphere where spatial changes are needed. The establishment of the vertical farm aims to implement a new crop growth system, which shall have reduced environmental impacts, to cultivate greens with low agrochemicals levels, to educate citizens regarding ecology and agriculture through workshops and lectures, to circulate the surrounding economy, and to create a space of social interactions and urban appropriation.