Conforto térmico de bovinos leiteiros em sistema free stall e silvipastoril durante o outono
2019-12-06Registro en:
WALTEMAN, Rafaela. Conforto térmico de bovinos leiteiros em sistema free stall e silvipastoril durante o outono. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Zootecnia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2019
Walteman, Rafaela
Milk production chain look for increaseproduction through technologies that aim to increase the comfort and welfare of animals, especially related to the thermal environment that, in case of stress, cantrigger behavioral changes to dissipate or absorb heat that can hinder production. Based on this, the objective of this research was to evaluate the climatic effects on free stall and silvipastoral systems during the hottest hours on autumn days, and howthey affect the behavior and thermoregulation of dairy cows. The experiment was carried out during nine days in late fall of 2019, in the city of Quedas do Iguaçu, state of Paraná. A total of 20 cows were used, with 10 cows in each of the production systems: silvipastoral and free stall systems. The thermal environment was evaluated by measuring temperature and relative humidity, wind speed and black globe temperature. After recording the thermal environment data, the thermal comfort indexes were calculated through the temperature and humidity index (ITU) and black globe temperature and humidity index (ITGU) and radiant thermal load (CTR). Data were analyzed using mixed models using the R statistical software. No differences (P> 0.05) were found between the ITU and ITGU systems. However, for CTR, the systems were different (P <0.05), whose value was higher in the silvopastoral system. For the surface temperature of the animal and the respiratory rate, the systems showed differences, showing higher values for both variables in silvipastoral. Concerning behaviors, for idleness (standing and lying down), ruminating (standing and lying down), eating, drinking and walking the systems showed differences, with a higher occurrence of animal welfare behaviors in the free stall system. Therefore, it is concluded that the free stall system has indications of providing greater thermal comfort to dairy cattle during autumn compared to the silvopastoral system, and that animal behavior and thermoregulation indicate to provide greater welfare in the free stall system.