Refusão de revestimento da liga NiCrMoFeAl obtidos por aspersão por chamas
2016-12-01Registro en:
PARRA, Murilo Araujo. Refusão de revestimento da liga NiCrMoFeAl obtidos por aspersão por chamas. 2016. 46 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
Parra, Murilo Araujo
This work has as main objective the get information of coatings from Ni76,5Cr9Mo5,5Fe5Al4, which after sprayed was recast by flame and by the TIG process. The thermal spray process used was flame spray. The evaluation microstructural it was made through optical microscopy (OM). The X-ray diffraction test was performed to identify and quantify the phases and oxides present in the coating. The test of adhesion, flexure, and microhardness Vickers indicated that the execution of the after-treatments performed in this study increases the hardness and adhesion of the coating to the substrate.