Estudo de viabilidade: aplicação de nanopartículas de própolis em gaze para tratamento de queimaduras na pele
2017-06-09Registro en:
SANTOS, Carolinne Menezes dos. Estudo de viabilidade: aplicação de nanopartículas de própolis em gaze para o tratamento de queimaduras na pele. 2017. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) — Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Apucarana, 2017.
Santos, Carolinne Menezes dos
Burns cause physical and psychologial trauma that can lead to death, regardless of their origin. There are several kinds of treatment for these injuries and regardless of the chosen procedure, infections are considered one of the major problems in the recovery of the patient. Because of this, current treatments include the use of antimicrobial substances, the most used being silver and zinc. However, for it´s a treatment that requires direct contact with the skin, research has been focusing on the use of natural substances such as propolis, which presents numerous pharmacological characteristics indicated for the treatment of burns. Thus, this dissertation aims to analyze the feasibility of obtaining nanoparticles of propolis and applying them to gauze, analyzing its antimicrobial influence and pharmacological benefits for the treatment of burns.