Análise da aplicabilidade do software WRc STOAT em um sistema de tratamento de esgoto
2016-11-30Registro en:
SOUZA, Thais Padilha de. Análise da aplicabilidade do software WRc STOAT em um sistema de tratamento de esgoto. 2016. 61 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Souza, Thais Padilha de
This work aims to analyze the WRc STOAT from the point of view of its applicability, developing a simulation interface of an activated sludge system based in a real system. It was verified the user facility to appropriate the software and it was performed comparisons between the data obtained computationally with the data obtained in the base work. For the system simulation and input of the initial data, it was performed 2 main tests. In the first test was performed a more detailed calibration, changing the amount of solids (volatile settleable, non-volatile settleable, non-settleable volatile and non-settleable non-volatile). And the BOD amount, viable heterotrophs, viable autotrophs and mixed liquor suspended solids, was determined according to the proper proportionality based on suggested amounts in the Tutorial Guide, adapting it to the base work presented by Fujii (2011). While the second test has preserved the standard data established by the own software to some parameters (viable heterotrophs, viable autotrophs e mixed liquor suspended solids), without accomplishing proportionality and without changing the amounts of solids. Between the ran simulations, just the evaluation parameter BOD obtained values close to the work used as a base and in a single simulation. The software appropriation was not achieved, requiring more tests and improvements.