Corrida de rua: fatores motivacionais de adesão a uma assessoria esportiva da cidade de Curitiba-PR
2015-10-14Registro en:
LIMA, Marta Sus Domingos de. Corrida de rua: fatores motivacionais de adesão a uma
assessoria esportiva da cidade de Curitiba-PR. 2015. 30 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão Empresarial) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
Lima, Marta Sus Domingos de
This article aims to identify the motivational factors of adhesion of amateur street runners to a sporting consultancy in the city of Curitiba-PR. It is a case study of exploratory feature, qualitative approach and descriptive ending, which aimed through interviews comprehend and describe the motivational factors of adhesion of the runners to consultancy. For the analysis of the case study six runners were selected (five women and one man) at different ages and practice time at the consultancy equal or superior to 12 months. All six interviews were recorded and later transcribed to be analyzed. Among the results found the following ones stand out: the professional orientation and accompaniment; registering and support during the street running events; health and life quality improvement; socialization; pleasure, challenge and self-esteem feelings. Through the research, it could be concluded that the factors that motivate amateur runners to participate of a sporting consultancy go beyond the safe practice and professional orientation, relating a lot to the convenience offered by the service, the quality of care and the socialization environment.