Simulação da capacidade de retenção da água da chuva em telhados verdes para o município de Toledo - PR
2018-11-13Registro en:
KREUTZFELD, Mariele. Simulação da capacidade de retenção da água da chuva em telhados verdes para o município de Toledo - PR. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Toledo, 2018.
Kreutzfeld, Mariele
According to the population growth, the occupation of urban watersheds has increased the waterproofing of the soil and with that reduced the rate of infiltration. These waterproofed areas begin to direct a larger amount of rainwater that causes an increase in volumes, overloading the microdrainage system. Toledo is the second fastest growing municipality in Paraná, not a city that suffers from flooding problems, but preventive action reduces the cost of solving future problems related to water. And, a study to verify the applicability and the effects of the green roof, a compensatory measure, becomes important. For this, the objective of this work was to verify experimentally the rainwater retention capacity with the use of green roofs in the control of the surface runoff. The analysis was done on the campus of the UTFPR of Toledo with 3 prototypes of green roofs, in which, all the species were different and; other 2 prototypes simulating traditional roofing, ceramic tile coverage and asbestos cement roofing. The prototypes were leased side by side in the same structure to have the same climatic conditions. Green roofs ranged from 100% retention to 13% depending on the rainfall index and if there was precipitation the previous day. The roof with grass had an average coefficient of 0.58, the succulents 0.66 and money in penca 0.52. The results obtained from the monitoring show that, regarding the quantitative aspects, the green roof managed to reduce the rainfall when compared to the conventional roof by up to 57%. On an average of the 3 green roofs, 42% of the total rainfall on the green roof was retained, versus 22% of the conventional roof. As a general result, it can be pointed out that the roof with money in penca presented greater retention, followed by the species of grass and seduns. It is concluded that green roofs have the capacity to retain a certain amount of water in precipitation when compared to conventional roofs and the green roof that presented the greatest advantages was grass because it differs inferiorly in only 6% of the money in pence, but the cost for its implementation is lower and pruning maintenance is less frequent, presenting a good cost-benefit ratio.