Mapeamento e análise da fragilidade potencial da área urbana e periurbana do município de São Miguel do Iguaçu - PR
2017-11-29Registro en:
FERREIRA, Micheli. Mapeamento e análise da fragilidade potencial da área urbana e periurbana do município de São Miguel do Iguaçu - PR. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Ambiental) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2017.
Ferreira, Micheli
Potential environmental fragility can be understood as the vulnerability of a system to suffer interference by associating to it inherent and external characteristics. Its study has great importance for urban and rural environmental planning, since the identification of fragile environments provides a better choice of actions to be taken in the physical-territorial space. Therefore, the mapping of potential environmental fragility associated with soil uses and occupations is made to minimize and even avoid negative environmental impacts resulting from occupations and man-made uses. Based on this, this research aims at to map and analyze the potential environmental fragility of the urban and periurban area of the city São Miguel do Iguaçu, located in the western region of the state of Paraná. For that, the thematic maps were elaborated with softwares help. For the elaboration of the map of soil use and occupation, we used Google Earth Pro, for the pedological map and for the declivity one was used the QGIS, version 2.14.7. These maps served as a basis for the mapping of potential environmental fragility, which later was associated with urban, agricultural, pasture and forest vegetation areas, separately, in order to identify the fragilities corresponding to different types of use and occupation of soil in the study area. In this way, it was verified that these areas are present in all fragilities, and the urban, agricultural and pasture areas predominate in regions with low fragility and vegetation areas predominate in regions with high fragility and also in regions close to river ways. Urban, agricultural, and pasture areas in which very high environmental fragility is observed require greater attention, since they are more susceptible to the development of erosive processes, requiring the use of conservation practices and corrective actions. Therefore, this study might cooperate as a form of subsidy for the urban and rural environmental planning of the urban and periurban area of São Miguel do Iguaçu city - PR.