A matemática em projetos de PIBID interdisciplinar: um estudo de análise documental
2018-12-14Registro en:
BAPTISTA, Victor da Silva. A matemática em projetos de PIBID interdisciplinar: um estudo de análise documental. 2018. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Matemática) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Baptista, Victor da Silva
This work deals with the theme of teacher training and aims to analyse how the PIBIB’s- Interdisciplinary projects involving Mathematics are organized and how this organization reveals itself in interdisciplinary principles in the academic productions deriving from the projects, in particular the projects that contemplate the area of Mathematics constituted the research material. The relevance of this research is the possibility of raising questions about an educational program aimed at qualifying the initial phase of teacher training in mathematics in an interdisciplinary perspective. The object of study is part of the set of public policies fostered by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) with a focus on improving the quality of undergraduate courses. The research was done through documentary research and data processing was based on the study of academic produ ons der ved ro n erd s pl nary IBID’s presen ed a ALIC n 2016. The results of this study highlight the PIBID as a public policy that contributes to the reflection on the processes of initial formation with emphasis in interdisciplinary works that include the mathematics. In the analyses processes, the documentary data enabled the discussion of categories in light of the following aspects: the areas of knowledge involved; are conceptualized interdisciplinarity and how this concept is enunciated; as they characterize the projects of PIBID Interdisciplinary and how the mathematical knowledge appears in the works produced.