Análise de segurança no posto de trabalho de um profissional de eventos
2018-05-15Registro en:
NASCIMENTO, Thiago Cruz do. Análise de segurança no posto de trabalho de um profissional de eventos. 2018. 63 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Nascimento, Thiago Cruz
Illuminators are professionals in the area of temporary events (shows, parties, fairs, theaters, etc), duly registered professionals and members of CLT. In the day to day of their work they face numerous risks to their health and physical integrity, risks that can be avoided and even extinguished, when taking the necessary precautions (analysis of risks, work procedures, training, use of personal protective equipment and collective). This is a market with little or no control. Companies often do not provide the minimum necessary for the safety of workers, and in turn the workers, mostly with little education, do not follow the standards imposed by the company. Aiming to expose, evaluate and qualify all these risks, employees of a mediumsized company with a good structure, located in the state of Paraná, were used in this study. Checking two work environments, the internal, inside the company itself (moment of maintenance of the equipment) and the external, in a concert hall, through measurements and evaluations of the workstations. Safety faults were found and measured, such as noise level, illuminance, lack of working procedure, incorrect EPI's, etc. During the study it was also observed a certain difficulty in the awareness of these professionals in the necessity of the preoccupation with the safety of the work. This event market is in full expansion, and needs a more careful look from the Ministry of Labor and Health, so that new cases of accidents and even deaths can be avoided.