A inclusão do aluno portador de necessidades educativas especiais no ensino comum
2012-11-30Registration in:
SCALIANTE, Alexandra Pereira de Souza. A inclusão do aluno portador de necessidades educativas especiais no ensino comum. 2012. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
Scaliante, Alexandra Pereira de Souza
This theoretical work and research aimed at working with the theme focusing on the inclusion of special students in the mainstream school. Addresses the importance of inclusion in mainstream school for citizenship and right of everyone to education without discrimination and prejudice, aiming to highlight the difficulties faced by people with special needs in school in order to link theory and practice. Justifying the theme because the impact it has had in recent years. And the need to understand how this process occurs in high schools using common bibliographic well as routing methodological study. At first makes overview of special education, showing all the paths traveled so far. Then highlights legislation and policies for child special. Finally as this process of inclusion because it is perceived that this situation requires paradigm shifts in education, which has to have a new conception of teaching and learning and this paradigm shift implies a new look, a new learn to do education, a school free of prejudice. And as a result of research led us to reflect on the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream school classes as the most advanced form of democratization of educational opportunities.