Mapeamento do potencial para implantação de empreendimentos eólicos no estado do Paraná
2016-06-23Registro en:
BRAND, Veronika Sassen. Mapeamento do potencial para implantação de empreendimentos eólicos no estado do Paraná. 2016. 92 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2016.
Brand, Veronika Sassen
The increasing world energy demand constantly presses the expansion of the electricity capacity generation. Therefore, new technologies, energy saving strategies and alternative energy sources are getting importance. Wind power is a great solution not only to supply the growing demand but also to mitigate climate change in progress. This type of energy can also have significant social role in enabling rural areas not connected to the grid to have access to electricity. In addition, the investment payback is relative small when compared to other non-renewable sources. The aim of this project was to map the implantation potential of onshore wind power plants in the state of Paraná from the physical aspects of the environment (e.g. power density, slope, hydrography, conservation units, transmission lines, road network, substations and urbanized areas) using GIS and Multicriteria Analysis. Two types of Multicriteria Analysis were performed: Boolean inference, used to the restricted areas, and the weighted average, for the other criterias. The maximum potential value reached by the analysis was 0.8775 and the average value 0.5838. The largest implantation potential values are located in the south-central region of Parana in Campos de Palmas and southwest, mainly in the municipalities of Clevelândia, Mariópolis, Marmeleiro e Flor da Serra do Sul. On the border with São Paulo State and in the north region of Parana, near the city of Maringá, there are also high values. The land use class “Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaic” presented the highest average potential (0.64), and covers most of the state. In every wind power plant - in operation and planning, not located in protected areas in Parana State, it is observed that the implantation potential is greater than 0.6.