Proposta de metodologia alternativa para determinação da acidez potencial do solo
2011-11-24Registration in:
SANTOS, Mirian Dias dos. Proposta de metodologia alternativa para determinação da acidez potencial do solo. 2011. 35 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2011.
Santos, Mirian Dias dos
This study proposes an alternative methodology for the potential soil acidity analysis conducted on the Laboratory of Soil - UTFPR / PB. The SMP method is usually
employed but produces toxic residues in the presence of chromium and pnitrophenol.
The idea of this paper is based on the replacement of SMP solution by hydrogen peroxide in order to assess their potential to act in the organic matrix of the soil, oxidizing and freeing up all the ions bound or retained. Thus it would be possible to determine the soil potential acidity from a reading of the pH. The experimental design of this study evaluated 22 randomly selected soil samples, in which was held typical chemical analysis of soil pH and pH-SMP-peroxide, in triplicate. To this was added to the last remnant of the analysis of pH, 1 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide, after shaking and home-made reading the pH. From the results obtained by determining the experimental standard deviations and variances for pH and pH-SMPperoxide,
which were systematically compared using t test with added standard deviation and confidence level of 99%. In this context, it was observed that the proposed method was not efficient since significant differences were found between the two methods.