Avaliação do estado de conservação de pontes rurais no município de Nova Tebas - Pr
2015-11-27Registro en:
REIGUEL, Marcelo. Avaliação do estado de conservação de pontes rurais no município de Nova Tebas-PR. 2015. 105 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2015.
Reiguel, Marcelo
This work presents a study about agents that affect the durability of wooden structures, characteristics for elaborations of design with focus in avoid the installation of spoilage agents, defects in wooden parts, main biotic agents and abiotic, kinds of preservative products and methods of treatment according the risk classes, the procedures to conducting inspections and methods of maintenance preventive and maintenance
corrective. Five bridges in the system of beams of plump wood bi supported were inspected in Nova Tebas City, in Paraná State, with intention to check the conservation state and aspects that interfere in their durability. We had the collaboration of city government officials to obtain data. Technical semi-destructive and non-destructive were used, with due photographic record for evaluations. From de evaluations, it is
concluded that due to inadequate construction systems by the lack of the technical knowledge, a few periodic maintenance, the bridges in the rural area of the municipality are in bad state of conservation.