OBS-Guarapuava: sistema para o Observatório Social do município de Guarapuava - PR
2019-07-05Registro en:
MORAES, Valdinei Antonio de. Obs-Guarapuava: sistema para o Observatório Social do município de Guarapuava - PR. 2019. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Guarapuava, 2019.
Moraes, Valdinei Antonio de
With the high rate of corruption in Brazil, a series of issues that involve the interest of the population, where society unites in favor of justice and transparency of public management at all levels of management comes to light. The Social Observatories of Brazil aims to promote and support the consolidation of these interests of society, based on the standardization of procedures for monitoring and control of public management, as well as the dissemination of fiscal education tools and the insertion of micro and small companies in the role of municipal government suppliers. In this context, a case study will be carried out for the Guarapuava Social Observatory and a web application will be developed to automate the information collected from all sessions of the City Council of Guarapuava - PR. This information is: participation of the councilors in the sessions, projects proposed by the councilors and respective votes of these projects, projects approved and not approved. With this application, it will be possible to make the information faster and more accessible to the public.