Estudo das soluções empregadas em consolos curtos monolíticos de pilares pré-moldados na região de Pato Branco – PR
2014-01-31Registro en:
LUIZETTO, Eduardo Cezar; GRANDO, Fabiana. Estudo das soluções empregadas em consolos curtos monolíticos de pilares pré-moldados na região de Pato Branco – PR. 2014. 131 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
Luizetto, Eduardo Cezar
Grando, Fabiana
This research shows a market study that treats the implementation of console-pillar
connections in structures of precast concrete in the Pato Branco region, by the
monitoring of the implementation at companies. The analysis is performed by
discussions of solutions raised about the executive method applied, the positioning of
the reinforcement of the element and the accordance with the existing standards
governing the subject. Based on this analysis, it was found that the methods used
vary too much and the recommendations of the standard are not obeyed in 100% of
the studied sample, the reason given is the incompatibility between equipment
provided and the correct execution form, according to the standards, another aspect
found is the persistence of empiricism in such methods.