Atendimento à NR 23: estudo de caso em três municípios de pequeno porte integrantes da região administrativa de Irati - PR
2013-12-21Registro en:
GEMBAROWSKI, André. Atendimento à NR 23: estudo de caso em três municípios de pequeno porte integrantes da região administrativa de Irati - PR. 2013. 61 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização (Engenharia em Segurança do Trabalho) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2013.
Gembarowski, André
Brazil is composed mostly of small towns, where the city halls of their governments, in general, are old buildings that need to be adjusted to the current legal requirements to ensure comfort and safety to its occupants. This study main objective is to determine compliance with norm 23 (NR 23) in the main building (head office of the executive power) of three small municipalities members of the administrative region of Irati, Paraná state, in regard to the questions of information and training of employees. We also sought to determine whether the buildings in question are in accordance with the fire safety system to which they are the subject of this study. The methodology adopted was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE), which was performed by applying two questionnaires (one directed to the head of the municipal executive and the other directed officials) and photographic record. The results enabled us to characterize the buildings, according to the Safety Code Against Fire and Panic from the Fire Brigade of Paraná, as old and/or existing and with class of light risk, which leads to the need of having minimum measures for fire prevention: fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, emergency signaling and emergency exit. These measures do not fully met in buildings where the study was applied. With regard to information and training of officials of the buildings, it was found that they had not received training regarding fire prevention. Thus, it was concluded that in buildings where the study was developed there where nonconformities with the NR 23.