Conselhos municipais e participação cidadã: avaliação e mapeamento na cidade de Osasco-SP
2018-08-01Registro en:
REIS, Ivan Alves dos. Conselhos municipais e participação cidadã: avaliação e mapeamento na cidade de Osasco-SP. 2018. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Reis, Ivan Alves dos
This monograph treated the Municipal Councils and Citizen Participation, themes institutionalized since the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988 and that brought some contribution to the redemocratization process in the municipalities. In this sense, the work evaluated and mapped the municipal councils existing in the city of Osasco-SP and that for this it used the bibliographical research for the theoretical reference, the electronic and documentary research from the exploitation in official sites and pages of the official press of the municipality. It used as parameters of analysis the transparency, composition and representativity through the quantitative research elaborated by means of tables and graphs demonstrative. The research showed that Osasco-SP has 28 (twenty-eight) municipal councils, and the years 2004 to 2007 were the period that most established municipal councils, and that no relationship was identified between the number of existing councils if compared with other cities such as Campinas, Santo André and Piracicaba in the same State and the population size. Through the quantitative analysis, it showed a contribution to citizen participation, inasmuch as it demonstrated an increase in the number of councils, an increase in the decision-making powers of these and a growing representation in the local social segments. On the other hand, qualitatively it was not possible to assess contribution in the sense that it is necessary to evaluate the real impacts of the institutionalization of the councils. Regarding transparency, the results showed that 42.86% of the councils did not make any official publications and 57.14% published some official act. In this context, it is noted that municipal councils have become reality, but that it is necessary to evaluate the social and cultural impacts so that there is effectiveness in the process of insertion of the population in the process of political decisions, fact of which requires discussion and reflection on relevant topics such as participation and representation in municipal councils.