dc.creatorBazzo, João Paulo
dc.creatorSilva, Jean Carlos Cardoso da
dc.creatorCarati, Emerson G.
dc.creatorVogt, Marcio de Andrade
dc.creatorLukasievicz, Tiago
dc.identifierBAZZO, João Paulo ; SILVA, J. C. C. ; CARATI, Emerson Giovani ; VOGT, Márcio de Andrade ; LUKASIEVICZ, Tiago . Digital Control System Using a Thermoelectric Cell for Temperature Electronic Devices Testing. In: IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of LASCAS 2010. Porto Alegre : UFRGS, 2010. v. único. p. 4-7.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a temperature digital control system for performance evaluation of electronic devices under different operating temperatures. The system is based on a thermoelectric module of Peltier effect, which is used for heating or cooling the device under test (DUT). A digital PI controller is designed through simulations with an electric model of the structure, developed in Simulink®. Based on the parameters and results from simulations, the controller is implemented in Labview® and experimental results are obtained using a servo amplifier like actuator.
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.relationIEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits And Systems
dc.rightsAn error occurred getting the license - uri.
dc.subjectSistemas de controle digital
dc.subjectControle de temperatura
dc.subjectDigital control systems
dc.subjectTemperature control
dc.titleDigital control system using a thermoelectric cell for temperature electronic devices testing

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