Diagnóstico dos impactos ambientais nas áreas de preservação permanente do perímetro urbano do município de Pato Branco - PR
2018-06-18Registro en:
PAZETTI, Caroline Francisca. Diagnóstico dos impactos ambientais nas áreas de preservação permanente do perímetro urbano do município de Pato Branco - PR. 2018. 79 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2018.
Pazetti, Caroline Francisca
The growing urban development of cities promotes economic, social and environmental problems. The lack of an adequate planning in relation to the use and soil occupation, contributes, significantly, to the appearance of environmental impacts. This project presents a territorial expansion analysis in the period comprising the years 2005,2013 and 2017, in five critical points inside the permanent preservation areas (PPAs) in the city of Pato Branco, as well as the identification of environmental impacts present in these regions. To characterize the PPAs geoprocessing tools were used, with the help of QGIS and Google Earth Pro softwares. In order to come up with impact data in the characterized regions in the study, in loco visits were conducted, and by obtaining photographic records, the main environmental degradation factors were listed in the water courses and the surrounding PPAs. The assessed environmental impacts are: occupation of permanent preservation areas, riparian forest removal, erosion and silting incidence, and solid residues pollution. The classification of environmental impacts had qualitative and quantitative character, through the combination of two methodologies of impact evaluation, the check-list, and the Iteration Matrixes. The obtained results showed the intensity of each impact and the level of degradation in each of the critical points inside the PPAs, besides listing the relation of the impacts with the urban expansion. The goal of this project was the creation of an environmental diagnosis that allows us to evaluate the situation of a fraction of the permanent preservation areas of the Ligeiro River basin, enabling possible recovery plans for the impacted regions.