Diagnóstico parcial do saneamento básico no Assentamento Rural Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Mariluz, Paraná
2016-08-01Registro en:
FELIX, Bruna Renata de Souza. Diagnóstico parcial do saneamento básico no Assentamento Rural Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Mariluz, Paraná. 2016. 72 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Felix, Bruna Renata de Souza
Rural settlements have restricted access to items that make up the basic sanitation. As a result, the lack of this infrastructure is one of the main factors related to diseases that affect humans. Thus, for there is great importance in seeking the knowledge of the rural reality, this study aimed to carry out a partial diagnosis of sanitation in Rural Settlement Nossa Senhora Aparecida in Mariluz, Paraná. The settlement has 235 lots and the study was conducted with 21 lots owned by São João Community. A socioeconomic questionnaire was developed and implemented through site visits, and with the aid of a GPS were withdrawest the geographic coordinates and elaborate maps of water supply points (wells, springs and mines) and the points of release of sewage. Following were diagnosed sanitary conditions regarding the sources of water supply, release of sewage and waste disposal. The settlement has no treatment system or water distribution. All water used by residents comes from mines or wells close to the home without some form of treatment and protection. The settlement does not have a collection system and wastewater treatment. The pit is the only existing treatment and when used is only linked to the health of households, domestic sewage generated in the sinks and laundries is willing to open, without any form of treatment. Among the 21 plots studied, 17 lots make use of the septic system. 3 lots make use of cesspit, 1 lot of willingness to open. That said, 8 points were chosen to carry out collection and physico-chemical and microbiological analyzes of the water used for human consumption. The results showed that 3 points are contaminated by ammonia nitrogen, 7 for Total Coliform, and 2 points for Escherichia coli. In just one point of supply, the water is free from contamination. In the settlement there is no public or private collection of waste, and the waste of 235 lots are burned, buried or sold. With the results it is undeniable that the Rural Settlement Nossa Senhora Aparecida needs proper sanitation infrastructure to ensure the health of residents and the environment.