Análise e avaliação de planos municipais de saneamento básico no Paraná: um estudo de caso em cinco cidades
2015-11-18Registro en:
BARACHO, Rafaella Oliveira. Análise e avaliação de planos municipais de saneamento básico no Paraná: um estudo de caso em cinco cidades . 2015. 82 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2015.
Baracho, Rafaella Oliveira
The Sanitation Act (11,445/2007 Law) establishes the national guidelines for sanitation in Brazil it was enacted to modernize sanitation regulation, giving support and new institutional features to cities, counties and States, aiming to improve the sanitation services in Brazil. The main goal of this study is create, adapt and add items to a methodology to evaluate Municipal Sanitation Plans (PMSB), to apply it in cities from Paraná State, identify best practices and do recommendations about how to prepare sanitation plans in a manner that supports successful implementation. In order to achieve this goal, a check list was created based on literature recommendations and applied to analyze selected plans. After results were obtained, it was possible conclude that PMSBs vary in quality and comprehensiveness. Ibiporã PMSB presented the best compliance index: 77%. Covering all the cities analyzed, the property categories with the highest Compliance index are: Integrality, Service Quality and Minimum Content, respectively 73%, 68% and 71% of Compliance. The sector category that presented the best Compliance index was Solid Waste Management (78% of Compliance). On another hand, the categories Urban Drainage, Equity and Policy/Sectorial categories presented the highest levels of No Compliance (50%, 57% and 51% of No Compliance respectively). About the Equity Category, only Ibiporã presented Compliance Index higher than No Compliance Index. About Urban Drainage, only Ibiporã and Marechal Cândido Rondon presented Compliance Index higher than No Compliance Index. While each PMSB has positive features, none completely meet the legal requirements. Of particular concern basic categories are not completely covered including i.e. Minimum Content, Universal Access, Equity, Drinking Water, Urban Drainage, Solid Waste Management, and Sewage. It is possible to identify the main points where the MSPs were weaker than desirable. Four main problems were identified: information default, focus in just some areas, no attention on equity, and no attention on democratic control. Some MSPs went beyond the required content to include material that would facilitate successful implementation of the Plan like inclusion of maps and illustrations; description of the current state of the water and wastewater treatment plant infrastructure, particularly the pumps; and it was included documents that record results of community participation activities.