Implantação do orçamento participativo em Itapetininga (SP): obstáculos e desafios
2013-12-06Registration in:
SILVA JUNIOR, João Damas da. Implantação do orçamento participativo em Itapetininga (SP): obstáculos e desafios. 2013. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Silva Junior, João Damas da
This work had as its theme the Participatory Budget Office , innovative instrument through which the municipal planning suffers the intervention population , changing the shape of municipal management, in which policies are developed based on the popular demonstration , sovereignty is courtesy the popular will , going against the wishes and needs of the people . For this we search through the literature , research first the concept of public budget in its different aspects , including , legal, financial , political, among others , from exploring its construction over the years , describing it from the traditional budget, but called for the program-budget and participatory budgeting . Thereafter we explain the experiences with the participatory budget process in some municipalities , including the best known and most successful of the Capital Gaucha , Porto Alegre , drawing a parallel with the deployment process in Itapetininga , with the overall goal of identify obstacles and challenges to deploy it , beyond the specific between them analyze the necessary conditions for the implementation of this process goals. Given the above, it was concluded that despite the obstacles and challenges , such as the political will or an associative culture in this county absence, the legislation adopted on the subject , which established and regulated the OP , it is appropriate the municipality , in addition to performing some important actions , work together as communities that raised the number of associations of this neighborhood in the city , which reveal , above all , the willingness of both government and society openness to participation by popular in municipal government.