Novas mídias e interação infantil: projeto gráfico de aplicativo lúdico para tablet
2012-11-06Registro en:
SENTONE, Aline Cristina; CORREA, Bruna Pereira. Novas mídias e interação infantil: projeto gráfico de aplicativo lúdico para tablet. 2012. 162 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
Sentone, Aline Cristina
Correa, Bruna Pereira
This work displays the developing of the graphic project of a game for kids between 05 and 08 years old, called Wah!, which has the iPad tablet as the base plataform of this developing. In the theoretical foundation, the methodology adopted to develop the game design is described just as the searching for interface studies and the meaning of the graphic design to compose the identity of the app. The audience of the game was studied too, with the intent to know it better and to understand how it interacts and learn in a playful environment. The interaction design and the usability were also studied to create a project focused in the audience. Other games, of the same segment, were analysed what allowed the project final design. A detailed description of the project was also done, covering knowledges of game design, interface design and graphic design. Lastly, the visual identity project for the game (Wah!) was detailed and presented.