Análise comparativa entre a implementação de interseção tipo trevo e a sinalização semafórica em entroncamento na BR-010 na cidade de Açailândia - MA
2022-06-21Registro en:
ASSUNÇÃO, Ítalo Vieira. Análise comparativa entre a implementação de interseção tipo trevo e a sinalização semafórica em entroncamento na BR-010 na cidade de Açailândia - MA. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2022.
Assunção, Ítalo Vieira
The vehicle fleet in Brazil has grown significantly in recent decades, causing accident queues and a high risk of accidents. This work aims to implement a cloverleaf intersection and traffic light at the junction of BR-010 in the city of Açailândia-MA. Microsimulation is used for analysis using the free software Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) 1.12.0 and SEMAFORO 2.1.0 software. The main sources of the research were BRASIL (2006), DNIT’s Intersection Project Manual (2005) and CONTRAN's Brazilian Traffic Signal Manual (2007). Vehicle counts were performed to establish the flow of existing vehicles at the site. The results offer an average travel time, the implementation has an average recommended wait time, shorter average travel time, higher average speed, shorter queue to exit the exit and shorter queue length. On the other hand, the traffic light implementation was the least appropriate case in all the criteria established for the result. For the cloverleaf implantation, the intersection geometry must be changed, causing an initial elevation, while the traffic light option demonstrates an initial cost, but periodic maintenance must be carried out for its proper functioning.