Fundamentos da computação em nuvem com abordagem das plataformas Eucalyptus e OpenNebula
2013Registro en:
SANTOS, Fábio André Garaluz dos. Fundamentos da computação em nuvem, com abordagem das plataformas Eucalyptus e OpenNebula. 2013. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2013.
Santos, Fábio André Garaluz dos
Cloud computing is gangning popularity in recent years and becoming userful for most online applications. The goal of is the work is to elaborate a high level abstraction about cloud architectures that allows to better understand to platform mechanisms. We not found similar works in literature that show the identified architecture. Identifying the architecture is an important directionm for research in several scientific papers. The analysis and abstraction of its elementsis based on Eucalyptus en OpenNebula platafforms.