As contradições da sustentabilidade: um estudo sobre o conteúdo de sustentabilidade da BMW em seus SVR’s (Sustainable Value Report)
2018-06-06Registration in:
LOPACINSKI, Alyson. As contradições da sustentabilidade: um estudo sobre o conteúdo de sustentabilidade da BMW em seus SVR’s (Sustainable Value Report). 2018. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Lopacinski, Alyson
The term sustainability has been gaining prominence, whether in national or international discussions. The process of raising awareness of the consuming society, while requiring a quality product, has been considering social and ecological issues. The organizations also show more concern, adapting their processes só that they impact less the environment. However, the social-ecological thinking disseminated by companies is sometimes made up of contradictions, which, using the concept of sustainability and sustainable development, are aimed to promote the company image and increase its profitability. Nature has become a hostage to the culture of consumption, the “green discourse” has been incorporated into several sectors of the market, being used as a makeup on a series of actions, which are not always consistent with social and ecological concern. It is necessary to observe, then, contradictions in this discourse of sustainability preached by the organizations. The search for these contradictions within the automotive sector was the object of study of this work, using sustainability reports provided by the company itself as a research source. Based on this context, the objective was to understand if the sustainability discourse disseminated by BMW, the company chosen to compose this research, is consistent with its practices. To this end, a research of a descriptive nature, with a qualitative approach, based on secondary data, was developed. As a research strategy, a case study of the BMW company was adopted, considering the period between 2012 and 2017. The company’s history of sustainable content disclosed in the reports was verified, identifying which dimensions of the Triple Bottom Line are considered, considering environmental, social and financial impacts, including topics such as programmed obsolescence, growth limits and technical efficiency. To embase the theoretical reference, we used: Latouche; Vizeu, Meneghetti and Seifert; Lara and Oliveira and Ellul. As a conclusion of the case studied, the term sustainability is used to promote the image of the company and not as a real concern, demonstrating that capital prevails over all dimensions of the Triple Bottom Line. Considering this result, and the fact that the company studied has won awards about its sustainability, it becomes clear that this research is a fundamental resource for companies to rethink their actions and their contribution to a more sustainable world.