Roteiro de modelagem estrutural utilizando a tecnologia BIM, desde a modelagem no Revit até a análise estrutural no Robot
2017-06-21Registro en:
PIZA, Isabella Faria. Roteiro de modelagem estrutural utilizando a tecnologia BIM, desde a modelagem no Revit até a análise estrutural no Robot. 2017. 83 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2017.
Piza, Isabella Faria
The search for investment in tools that accelerate the work process and increase the qualitative potential of services is increasingly common. BIM technology is the new concept when it comes to construction projects, since it uses parameterized information to model a project. Software that follows the BIM line allows a 3D visualization of the structure, has an integrated and coordinated database and information, allows productivity increase, detects constructive elements conflicts, models objects with definition of physical properties and more. However, in spite of the innumerable advantages that technology provides, many professionals in the field are still inert to change, motivated by various justifications. In order to encourage the use of the new technology, this work presents a structural modeling script through Autodesk Revit, as well as the export to Autodesk Robot, both BIM software, indicating the basic script of the modeling and analysis steps, and solving some of the main incompatibilities that arise.