Verificação do atendimento a critérios legais e normativos quanto a exposição às radiações ionizantes em postos de trabalho de um consultório de odontológico
2018-06-08Registro en:
ENDLER, André. Verificação do atendimento a critérios legais e normativos quanto a exposição às radiações ionizantes em postos de trabalho de um consultório de odontológico. 2018. 38 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Endler, André
Ever-increasing advances in dentistry are related to the use of ionizing radiation; however the exposure without adequate protective measures can cause irreversible damage to workers health. In this context, the purpose of this study was to verify the compliance to legal radiological safety standards regarding doses of ionizing radiation in a dental office located in São Bento do Sul, Santa Catarina. The regulatory compliance was verified by on-site inspection and radiation dose measurements with CaSO4 TLD (termoluminescent dosimeters) and BeO OSL (optically stimulated) dosimeters. The radiation sources consists of two intraoral Dental X-Ray equipment, Funk and Dabi Atlante brands. The measuring points were established in order to simulate the worklaces with the greatest potential exposure: dentist (0.30 meters), dentistry assistant (1.00 meters), minimum worplace distance set by standard (2.00 meters), and behind protective barrier. Based on the results it can be established that radiation levels exposure are 40 to 50 times lower than maximum levels set by Normative Resolution 002/DIVS/SES issued by Santa Catatina Public Health Secretariat. The dental office meets the normative requirements related to occupational exposure to ionizing radiation.