Identificação das manifestações patológicas em reservatório de água executado em concreto armado em condomínio unifamíliar: estudo de caso
2014-05-30Registro en:
SOUZA, Anne Karolline Lamana de. Identificação das manifestações patológicas em reservatório de água executado em concreto armado em condomínio unifamíliar: estudo de caso. 2014. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Souza, Anne Karolline Lamana de
Previously it was believed that all structural materials used in construction had everlasting durability. Today, though this view is no longer a reality. The Portland cement concrete, being the most widely used construction material, is the best example of this phenomenon of degradation. The pathology in water tanks can occur in several ways, among them we can mention the degradation of the asphalt mat sealing, lack of preventive maintenance and the environment to which the structure will be exposed. This paper presents a case study, which shows the pathological manifestations and their identification, indicating the origins and possible processes.