Avaliação e monitoramento da qualidade do rio alegria
2014-04-03Registro en:
LAZZEREIS, Sheila Aparecida Fritsch. Avaliação e monitoramento da qualidade do rio alegria. 2013. 34 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Lazzereis, Sheila Aparecida Fritsch
This study evaluated and monitored the quality of the Alegria Rio, for three months and its ability to self-purification , considering the contributions of dumps industrial waste from a slaughterhouse industry . Water samples were collected at six sampling points. The points were chosen according to the characteristics of the effluent as a function of nearby activities in the surroundings as well as accessibility to the site. The point 01 is located upstream of a meatpacking industry in the region ; Point 2 is exactly the trough dump the effluent from the refrigerator ; Point 03 , downstream of the point of discharge of effluent from this industry; Point 4 is located is approximately 280 meters from the point 01 , point 05 is approximately 350 meters from point 01 and end point 06 is located approximately 500 meters to point 01. The parameters analyzed were OD, pH, temperature , BOD, COD , conductivity , flow, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia nitrogen . In all sampling sites the values were within the limits described in the Resolution CONAMA 357/2005 for Class 2 receptors bodies. The DO concentrations, nitrite and nitrate did not significantly change the river. These results show the self purification of the Alegria Rio , along its course after eviction.