Chuveiro elétrico inteligente para aplicação concomitante com sistemas de pré-aquecimento de água
2013-09-12Registro en:
GERMINIANI, Luiz Felipe; RIBAS, Ramonn Toporowicz. Chuveiro elétrico inteligente para aplicação concomitante com sistemas de pré-aquecimento de água. 2013. 68 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Germiniani, Luiz Felipe
Ribas, Ramonn Toporowicz
This project is made about studies and techniques developed for the elaboration of an electronic shower that has as main objective the simultaneous use with other systems preheating, which aims to use water more efficiently, thus avoiding waste and providing thermal comfort and convenience to its users. For the implementation of the prototype was used a microcontroller PIC 16F877A. Based on the bath temperature set by the user and LM35 sensor signal, the PI controller sends a signal to the gate of the TRIAC, thereby leaving only the power required for water to reach the set point.